Based on the grant The next level of SAT solving for very hard problems soon the details of the two RA positions will become available. For your information, here a rough outline:

  • at the highest possible pay level for such positions in the UK, running for 3 years, at Swansea University, in the Computational Foundry
  • project leader (PI) is Oliver Kullmann, the project is about the theory, implementation and application of Cube-and-Conquer (C&C);
  • “research assistant” (RA) means that the research is directed by the PI;
  • one RA is for the connection to mathematics, and the mathematical applications;
  • the other RA is for the SAT algorithms and its implementations (in C++17).

Details to follow within the next 4-6 weeks. If you are interested, please contact Oliver Kullmann, (subject title: C&C).